



私の今日までの空手歴を簡単に述べますと、少林系統ではあの歴史的な空手家で名高い有名な ”チャンミー”こと、喜屋武朝徳先生の系統を受け継ぐ松田芳正先生に師事、小林館では仲里周五郎先生に師事、船越流は赤嶺栄亮先生から琉球古武道と空手を師事、そして、剛柔流を八木明徳先生から師事頂きました。




私の好きな言葉は[ 有言実行] で、すなわち一旦口に出したことはその完成に向けて一生懸命に努力することを日頃から心がけています。
その他、修行は[学如登山] 学ぶは登山の如しを座右の銘としています。
( 平成5年 (1993年) 記)


Historical phase of Master Kousuke Miyazato
10th Dan of Funakoshi Shorin-style

When I was a child there was an extinguished karate master who was known as The Ancle of Kanagusuku. His life was known to be almost priestly in its manner. It seemed to me that he had
found an importance in karate to life that was not cpmparable to any other thing.

Because I was his neighbor,it was only natural that I could directly observe his daily life along with his life devoted to karate. Looking back upon my life I can now see that his great affecthion toward me created my ambition for taking up and studying karate.

As it relates to my karate training. I have learned the Shorin style [lineage traced to Chotoku Kyan, also known as Changuwa] from the following persons: Master Yoshimasa Mastsuda, Master Nakazato of Shorinkan Doio, Master Akamine of the Funakoshi style at Ryukyu Kobudo and Karate. and Master Yagi of Gojyuryu.

I am very grateful to them for their instructhion in both karate techniques and mental attitude which have greatly affected me.

Other than karate, I also have interest in bodybuilding, judo, and Iaido [traditional Japanese swordsmanship of the samurai], which all add more to my better understanding of karate.

Until around 1960, the time of this writing, there were not so many doio in Okinawa. so my training was conducted at the beach,.and since then I have continued to constantly train up to
the present at my Seiryukan doio.

I have two mottos in life. One is, “Training is like mountain climbing” Moving up in skill and understanding is difficult,. just as climbing a great mountain is. The other motto I go by is, “ I do what I say.” I will put great effort into achieving what I say I will achieve.

These mottos of mine will not change for me, and I will continue practicing them until I rightly succeed at mastering these valuable, traditional Okinawan arts.
(Date 1993)


